scheda di "Iannella Mattia"

PO = Professore Ordinario, PA = Professore Associato, RU = Ricercatore Universitario, AS = Assistente Ordinario, CV = Docente in regime convenzionale, CT = Docente a contratto, PE = Professore Emerito

Qualifica/ruolo: RTD A)
Dip. di appartenenza: MeSVA
Curriculum vitae:
Incarichi e afferenze nel Dipartimento:
Sezione di appartenenza: Scienze Ambientali
N° di telefono interno:
CV sintetico:

My zoology training started with my master’s thesis when I started studying the distribution and corresponding management of vulnerable species. Then, I deepened these topics during my Ph.D., linking data about local processes to those obtained for wider territories. Since then, I started analyzing the biogeographic history of species of conservation concern by estimating their currently suitable areas and projecting them to both past and future scenarios, using these last to assess the effects of the ongoing climate change.
During my post-doc, I deepened the methods to assess species’ distribution in space and time, joining the Ecological Niche Modelling techniques, based on regression, decision trees, and machine learning, to GIS geoprocessing approaches. These researches aimed to implement a framework that may lead to finer Species Distribution Models. Then, I use these SDMs as a starting point for biogeographic, conservation, and landscape connectivity analyses, often integrating genetic data, to support management strategies.
The target animal taxa are both vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, used to study pre- and post-glacial patterns and to manage their possible future risk, considering the global change) and invertebrates (mainly Coleoptera Chrysomelidae, to understand the host-plant relationships and stygobitic crustaceans, as important biogeographic indicators). Recently, I concluded the three-year research grant (which I won under the PON “AIM – Attrazione e Mobilità” project from the Ministry of University) started in August 2019.
Currently, I am working (after a two-year extension of the research contract) on the aforementioned research topics, concurrently deepening my studies on invasion biology and its impacts on ecosystem services.I authored 43 papers (two of which are in revision) published in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed on the most important databases (e.g., Scopus, WoS).

I am part of the Editorial board of the journal BMC Zoology (Springer Nature - Scopus CiteScore 2.3, Animal Science and Zoology; JCR IF: 1.769, Zoology) and I am currently a Guest editor for the Special issue titled “High-Altitude Grasslands: Biodiversity Conservation, Management, and Habitat Preference” for the journal Land (ISSN 2073-445X), IF: 3.398 (2022), for which I also act as a Topic editor. Also, I am a Review editor for the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (ISSN: 2296-701X), IF 4.171 (2022) (Biogeography and Macroecology area). Moreover, I authored some chapters in technical and scientific dissemination books about vertebrates’ distribution and gave talks at conferences regarding these issues.

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