6th International Seminar
6th IInternatiionall Semiinar 2015
Welcome Address
Prof. M.G. Ciifone, Diirector of the Department
Session I.
Chaiirmen: G. Macchiiarellllii, M.A. Khalliillii
Prof. M.A. Khalliillii, Iran.
Revealing secret life of preimplantation embryos by Time-lapse imaging.
Prof. R. Momota, Japan.
L'Aquila and Okayama: The friendship through the dissection laboratory
course and the medical research internship program.
Prof. G. Zhurabekova, Kazakhstan.
Ovarian reserve markers of women living in the Aral sea area.
Session II
Chaiirmen: M.G. Pallmeriinii, G. Zhurabekova
S. Kiida, S. Nakamura, Japan.
The Intermediate Okayama University Research Program 2015 in L’Aquila.
C. Acanfora, C. De Criistofaro, A. Gallllone, A. Quarta, Italy.
The gross anatomy dissection course 2015 in Okayama.
M. Allbore, A. Cocciia, F. Cerquozzii, L. De Berardiiniis, G. Marchettii, Italy.
The gross anatomy dissection course 2015 in Aktobe.
L’Aquiila November 17th , 2015
Blocco 11- Piazza Salvatore Tommasi 1; Room D2-30, h. 16:00
Information: gmacchiarelli@univaq.it
The Biillaterall Projects of